Master's Message children's class discussion topic of the week.
Belt Testing, also known as a Grading, is held every three months.
As Cobra Martial Arts is about becoming your best in all areas of your life, the training requires you not only to be good at self defence and fitness, but equally good at:
1) Cobra Martial Arts
2) home
3) school
If you:
Have improved enough in these three areas.
Attended the minimum requirement of 15 mor more classes (10 for beginners).
Attended and passed all three Progress Checks (belt stripes - one held per month).
Filled out the home Job Check List on the grading form.
Demonstrated a polite and respectful Black Belt like attitude.
Then you may be eligible to attend the next grading.
If you perform well at the grading, you may be promoted to the next belt level.
You need to fill out a Grading Form now, which must be signed by a parent only if your behavior at home has been good. Your schoolteacher must sign it also, only if you have been trying your best at school and showing respect. You must return this form to Cobra at least one week before your grading.
Good luck on your grading day!
Cobra Martial Arts & Fitness Centres - Personal Development Program - 1991.