Master's Message children's class discussion topic of the week.
Inner vs. Outer Beauty
TV shows, advertising, and social media, tend to make people focus on their outer beauty, which is their physical appearance, make-up, hair style, fashion, fancy cars, and expensive brand name clothes, shoes, and handbags. Most people focus mostly on their outer beauty, but outer beauty fades away as we get older.
Inner beauty lasts forever and includes qualities such as kindness, honesty, positivity, and happiness.
Too much focus on physical appearance and wanting to look like the movie stars and social media models, can lead to people no longer being happy with themselves and how they look. They always compare themselves to other people and this can cause low self-esteem, low self-confidence, mental health disorders, and depression. You were born an original, don't live as a copy.
Physical appearances and physical possessions deteriorate over time due to aging. While there is nothing wrong with valuing and improving your outer beauty, relying on it to be happy cannot work.
Inner beauty however lasts forever, even when you are old, grey, and wrinkled. It is about your personality, values, and how you treat others. Your inner beauty is shown through how you behave and interact with others over your lifetime.
You can have outer and inner beauty at the same time. A person can possess both physical attractiveness and a beautiful soul. In fact, inner beauty can increase your outer beauty, as it's a powerful energy that radiates outward, making you more attractive.
Cobra Martial Arts & Fitness Centres - Personal Development Program - 1991.