Master's Message children's class discussion topic of the week.
Deflecting Negative Energy
Nasty and negative things people say about you is their business, not yours.
Don't let it get to you and upset your happiness, as that is what they are trying to do.
When speak nastily about you it actually shows that they don't feel happy about themselves.
People behave good or bad, depending on how they feel about themselves, and within themselves.
Somebody who feels happy will speak good about others.
Someone who feels below you, or jealous of you, will gossip and speak badly about you.
If somebody speaks negatively about you it tells everyone that they actually admire you and want to be like you, but because they can't be like you, they try to break you down by bullying you.
So, the next time that someone speaks negatively to you, or about you, remember that they are probably having a bad day and not feeling good about themselves.
Cobra Martial Arts & Fitness Centres - Personal Development Program - 1991.