Master's Message children's class discussion topic of the week.
You become what you think and say about yourself.
Bruce Lee said:
"Never speak badly about yourself, even as a joke.
Your body doesn't know the difference.
Words are energy and cast spells, that's why it's called spelling.
Change the way you speak about yourself and you will change your life.
What you don't change, you choose."
What you say and think about yourself begins to come true.
You create a good or bad life for yourself through:
what you think about yourself
what you say about yourself
what you do
So the next time you think or say anything negative about yourself, stop, and change it so that it is more positive:
"I'm dumb" or "I'm not good at XYZ" (school work, maths, reading, sport).
Replace it with -
"I might not be the best at school work right now, but I do try my hardest and I am improving. Everyone has different gifts and talents and are good at different things. We all don't have to be awesome at the same thing".
"I never have any money"
Replace with -
"I am learning how rich people became rich so that I can change my life. I attract all the money that I need like a magnet"
"I am ugly"
Replace with -
"I improve the way I look every day by keeping my hair neat and clean, looking after my teeth, looking after my skin, exercising to improve my body, eating healthy to look healthy, and dressing nicely"
"I'm not good at martial arts"
Replace with -
“I am improving at martial arts every week. I will practice more at home. I will ask for extra help with the techniques that I am not sure of. I will do really well at my next grading and be a black belt some day”
Cobra Martial Arts & Fitness Centres - Personal Development Program - 1991.