Master's Message children's class discussion topic of the week.
Here are two less known benefits of training at Cobra Martial Arts.
Emotional Well-being
Cobra Martial arts also serve as an effective outlet for stress, anxiety and other emotional energy relief.
Pent up anger is safely released on the pads and punching bags instead of family, friends, the dog or household furniture.
The physical activity involved helps purge withheld toxic emotions and releases 'feel good' endorphins, which improve mood and combats anxiety and depression.
Furthermore, the focus required during training can be meditative, allowing individuals to escape the thoughts, emotions and pressures of school and daily life.
Through traditional martial arts practices such as fitness training, kata, stretching and breathing exercises, students can experience a sense of calm and peace, bringing their mind into the moment, temporarily forgetting the stresses of today and tomorrow, promoting emotional balance.
Cultural Appreciation
Cobra Martial Arts classes incorporate techniques and teachings from many forms of martial arts from many countries.
Martial arts are rich in history and culture, rooted in the traditions of their countries of origin.
Training in Cobra Martial Arts provides an opportunity to learn about and appreciate diverse cultures and origin of the techniques, kata, and self-healing methods of body, mind and spirit.
Students often engage with the philosophies and values that underpin their practice, deepening their understanding of the art form and its significance.
This cultural connection can promote respect for diversity and a broader worldview, as knowledge hidden and strategically debunked by mainstream sources is discovered, understood and applied to improve one's life.
Cobra Martial Arts & Fitness Centres - Personal Development Program - 1991.