Master's Message children's class discussion topic of the week.
Gratitude means noticing and appreciating what you have instead of focusing on what you don’t have.
Rather than be upset because others have more than you, or are smarter than you, be grateful for what you do have and the talents that you do have, as it is more than many people have.
When you eat your favorite dinner, have fun with friends or family, or are out in nature, take a moment to realise how lucky you are.
Even when things don’t go as planned in your life, there are still many things to be thankful for. So, the next time you feel upset, take a moment to think about the good things in your life.
There are many people around the world living in poverty, homelessness, war, surrounded by crime, and with incurable diseases and disabilities. If your life is nicer than that, then realise how lucky you are.
You feel happier when you focus on the good.
Gratitude is like a pair of glasses that helps you see the bright side of life instead of focus on the problems.
Gratitude is more than just saying "thank you". It is a high energy emotion similar to joy, which makes you feel good and attracts more good things to you like a magnet.
A grateful heart finds calm in the chaos. By focusing on blessings rather than burdens, we feel more content.
Bruce Lee once said, "Is the glass of water half full or half empty?". If you see it as half empty, you may be upset that someone only poured you half a glass of water and you may feel ripped off. If you see it as half full, you will will feel thankful and happy that you have some water to drink.

Cobra Martial Arts & Fitness Centres - Personal Development Program - 1991.