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Compilation of Testimonies

"I hope to be involved with the school for many years to come"

Dear Craig

On behalf of myself and my wife Emily, we would like to take this opportunity to write and thank you very much for the effect your academies’ martial arts has had on our families lives.

As owners of a Pawnbroking business in the area, and raising a family of four children, we find that we work relatively long hours. As a family, we enrolled at Cobra to keep a balance of physical (especially for our children who are exposed to television and video gaming machines), along with the prospect of learning a valuable skill of self defence.

What we found as a family is a whole lot more! Our children have developed a greater level of self control, respect and confidence which has emanated through their schooling and greatly improved their interaction with their peers. I found this effect so profound that I started the program as a volunteer instructor for Cobra. I too have had the pleasure passing this onto other students. It pleases me to now see the changes in many of the schools’ students over a period of time.

I feel Cobra’s teaching and focus on self respect and discipline greatly helps our community and also provides the students with a valuable life skill which will put them in good stead for their future career paths. I find it commendable that you’ve struck the right balance of students from all races, ages and socio economic backgrounds, so that with the school’s teachings, they all have the opportunity to progress to the maximum of their own potential.

I hope to be involved with the school for many years to come...

Kind Regards,

Bruce Stockdale

"Cobra is the best thing I ever did for my son."

To Craig, Gavin, and all instructors at Cobra,

This is just a small letter of thanks for the help Cobra has had in the changes in my son James. I have had a hard time with my son in getting him to go to school and trying to make him have a commitment in anything. Last year my son was getting failing grades when he did go. This year and toward the end of last year, the change in James has been noticeable. Not only has he been going to school regularly, but getting As and Bs. He has now a B+ average and keeping it. His commitment to Cobra is a joy to see, especially going early to help with the childrens' classes. Many thanks again to all the instructors, but a special thanks to Gavin and Craig. Cobra is the best thing I ever did for my son. Thank you.

Sandy Fairman, Beckenham

"A confident, well-developed personality..."

We send little Richard to Cobra. Children guided in the ways of Cobra Martial Arts grow up the way every parent would like their child to be. A confident, well-developed personality able to cope successfully with life's pressures... my wife and I also train in the adult class.

Gordon Evans, Cannington

" an achiever..."

Cobra has taken me from being stuck on the rollercoaster of life, with no direction... to an achiever with clearly set goals and direction...

Justin Newman, Maddington

"Parents Proud of Thea"

Thea is our 7 year old daughter and has been attending Cobra Martial Arts for approximately 2 years. As Thea's parents, we were interested in finding an activity that would help increase her confidence and give her skills to ward off bullying (physical and emotional), keep her active and involve her in a sport that she would enjoy attending.

We were happy to find out about Cobra Martial Arts through a friend. Thea attended her first trial lesson and has enjoyed it ever since. She attends it willingly three times a week and has made many friends. She has learnt essential life skills with Cobra's teachings and we are thankful for that.

Earlier this year, Thea was in a situation at school where she utilised what she had learnt at Cobra to protect herself and her friends. The school described the event as a "difficult situation" (which was recognised by the teacher, and Thea received an award at assembly). She was happy to be able to defend herself and others quickly and diffuse the situation safely. We are proud of her actions. Her quick thinking and reflexes saved herself and others from potential physical harm. It proved to us that what Thea has learnt at Cobra was remembered and she had the ability to utilise the skills without a second thought. This is a huge achievement in her personal growth.

Ilena & Paul

"..I have seen her self-esteem rise considerably..."

As a single parent, it has often been difficult to maintain consistency in Sam's life. Since enrolling her at Cobra, I have seen her self-esteem rise considerably and she is more focused and disciplined... one day I'll find the time to enroll myself in a class! -

Ms Lin Taylor, East Cannington

"...provides appropriate training in self-defense..."

Cobra Martial Arts promotes self-discipline in everyday life, respect for others despite their background or physical ability, a positive attitude towards physical and mental health. In addition to the above, we believe the school also provides appropriate training in self defense techniques that in today's society our child may unfortunately rely on at some time.

G. Furby

"...The Senseis are very supportive and encouraging..."

James was insecure and lacking in confidence. I knew that martial arts would help him... my problem was to find the appropriate school where he would benefit the most... the Senseis are very supportive and encouraging... I can already see the difference in James.

Mrs. Pina Bredice, Waterford

"...I have discovered things I never knew I would achieve..."

I joined martial arts for all the right reasons, fitness, self discipline, self defense... Now in my third year of training, I have discovered (things) I never new I had or would achieve, like self awareness, self trust, self belief, self respect and self confidence... (this) could only have come with my training at Cobra.

Angela Lefante, Victoria Park

" Martial Arts means so much to me"

Martial Arts means so much to me. It has given me the discipline to focus on goals to achieve positive results for my life and the belief I can achieve anything I want to if I commit myself. Martial Arts is more than self defence and fitness, it has taught me life skills to live the life I want. I now recognise the main aspects of my life I need to focus on and balance my time between being family, social, financial, work, physical and mental, which this has allowed me to live a more fulfilling life. Since taking up Cobra Martial Arts my mind has changed and in turn so has my life. I have committed to healthy living, goal setting, being assertive and living by the 9 Tenets of Cobra, being courtesy, integrity, perseverance, self control, indomitable spirit, sound body, sound mind, sound spirit and self mastery.

Approximately six and a half years ago there was a two year period where I was without a Driver's License and had to ride from home in Riverton to work in Kewdale everyday. Cobra was about half way between and one day I stopped in to have a look around and thought I could spend my time more productively and would like to take up a hobby. I remembered when I used to train for boxing, from ages thirteen to sixteen, being happier and fitter, so I decided to learn martial arts.

Since taking up Martial Arts my life has improved immensely and I have stopped going around in pointless circles. I have an extraordinary license, I have bought my own home, I have changed jobs nearly doubling my pay and I live a much healthier lifestyle, training regularly. I attribute these achievements to the goal setting teachings and the self discipline taught and built into the program at Cobra Martial Arts.

I have now been attending Cobra for four and a half years and passed my Black Belt this morning. I have also achieved Black-Green rank in Eskrima. In the past I have had problems committing and seeing things through to completion, but with the skills Cobra has taught me, I now break my goals down into achievable targets and simply concentrate on the now.

Martial Arts has provided me with support to redirect and improve my life and I now recognise and focus on what is important to me. It has given me confidence and goals to aim for, helping me to get where I am today and setting me on a positive path for life.

Steen Puggaard


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The "Winners" - Parents & Students

Karate Belt

“On behalf of myself and my wife Emily, we would like to take this opportunity to write and thank you very much for the effect your academies’ martial arts has had on our families lives.....What we found as a family is a whole lot more! Our children have developed a greater level of self-control, respect and confidence which has emanated through their schooling and greatly improved their interaction with their peers.”

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Unit 4/1326 Albany Hwy
Cannington, Perth, WA 6107
(Cnr Albany Hwy & Wharf St)

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