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Removing Inherited Ancestral Limitations

Removal of ancestral generational curses and spells causing addiction

Your DNA contains the DNA (instructions and history) of all of your ancestors. Your parent's DNA has the greatest influence on how you look and behave, however you may also notice physical and behavioral traits from your grandparents and anyone else who has contributed to your genetics. It is not only physical appearance that you inherit from your ancestors, but also many of your behaviors, attitude, talents and even addictions.

Most of us have met our parents and possibly grandparents, but not much further back than that, however your bloodline and gene pool go back thousands of years and possibly hundreds of generations, and you are the culmination of all, plus what you experience and learn in this lifetime and past lifetimes.

You may notice that your nose, eyes, or any other physical and non-physical attribute may not look like or match that of your parents, as sometimes the genes of another ancestor express themselves in you instead. It is the physical and non-physical characteristics which 'activate' and express themselves in you that make up a large percentage of you. Your beliefs and choices can also influence which traits express in you.

We have inherited both strengths and limitations, and both desirable and undesirable traits. You will notice both physical and behavioral characteristics of your parents and grandparents expressing in you. For instance, if you mum or dad is creative or artistic and one of her parents or her grandparents was also, you may find that you, a sibling, or one of your children have activated that gene, attribute or gift also. Similarly, if your mum or dad created or inherited an addiction or less desired attribute, such as alcoholism, overeating, gambling, laziness, lateness, anger issues, anxiety, depression, jealousy, money issues (poverty beliefs, curses or spells etc.), cancer, insomnia, heart disease etc., you may notice one or more of these expressing in yourself and in one or more of your children and/or grandchildren, throughout your lineage, past, present and future.

Don't assume that a spell is some secret, rhyming poem, cast only by witches. Any thoughts or words said or written, by yourself or anyone else, positive or negative, with emotional energy and intention, are spells (related to the word spelling). Note that due to the universal law of karma and yin-yang (balance), what 'goes around comes around', so they eventually come back and manifest in the person or group, family and lineage of those casting or affirming them, positively or negatively.

Modern mainstream medicine and psychology will have their own explanation for how traits and addictions are formed, and no doubt some behaviors are learned from others such as your parents and friends. Ancient teachings of many cultures and spiritual teachings however may refer to these less desired genetic traits as generational or ancestral curses.

So how did these traits/curses begin in your bloodline and when did it start? There are ways to find out. What does it take to initiate such a trait or curse? Not a lot. As most of the universe is non-physical (energetic/spiritual), we and our ancestors can and have, unknowingly or knowingly (such as by using ouija boards, spells or wishes) made many energetic or soul contracts and connections. All it takes is to say something like, "I would do anything to be (rich, famous, date/marry that boy/girl etc.)" and a generational contract is in often in place without you consciously being aware. It is like throwing out a fishing line to the universe, waiting for a bite, and reeling it in to your life and bloodline.

Non-physical entities of light and darkness are everywhere and as nearly all of the universe is non-physical, there are a lot more of them around us than us physical beings. Let's say an ancestor, 1000 years ago, intentionally or unintentionally entered into a contract with a lower-level entity. These entities don't die, so are passed on to their children through their DNA, ongoing, or until a descendant comes across this hidden knowledge and is awake or conscious enough to act on it and cancel the contract/curse.


The 'powers that were' who have controlled humanity for 1000s of years, have used this esoteric, hidden and secret knowledge for their benefit, but teach the rest of us through their education system and science that it is rubbish. That way they stay in control through the use of the non-physical, unseen, esoteric knowledge, using spiritual warfare.

Everything physical first begins as non-physical. As most of us have been taught not to believe nor educate ourselves about this stuff, we don't study it and are therefore at their mercy, totally unaware and wondering why we feel 'stuck' in our lives, have so many issues, bad luck or poverty throughout the bloodline, or can't kick bad habits no matter how much we try.

Such contracts, spells, covenants, vows and curses are placed over us since the day we were born, through our birth certification contract, nursery rhymes, fairy tales, subliminal programming in cartoons (Google it), TV shows, movies, marriage vows ("till death do us part" etc.), music/song lyrics, advertising, slogans, symbols/logos, the media, and some religious ceremonies. Hollywood (Holy Wood, i.e., Palo Santo ceremonial wood) use a 'cast' of actors to cast spells globally. One famous director even changed his surname to Spelling. You can't get more obvious than that!


So how can you remove these contracts? Firstly, by studying what contracts are commonly put in place and then saying a declaration/decree, with strong intention (energy), to cancel each. There are many methods, as it is your intention that is most important. The areas of your life where you have major challenges are generally the areas that need attention. As they have been in place for many years, even 100s or 1000s, and they are reinforced each day through the media, TV shows, your self-talk etc., you need to remove them regularly and put energetic protection in place. 

If you have an addiction or bad habit, it has likely been reinforced and strengthened 1000s of times through your bloodline over 100s or 1000s of years, so it can be very strong and feel impossible to quit. You may want to remove it and at the same time not want to remove it, as there are two opposing forces at play through and within you, and it may be your only 'go to' for pleasure, being a lesser substitute for true joy and self-love. This is the hook and what makes them so powerful. It may take time for it to be gradually released, cancelled and destroyed, thereby reprogramming your DNA and that of your descendants, even if they are already alive.

Research decrees and declarations for removing generational curses and spells. The 'powers that were' know that the best way to control us is to keep us in our lower emotions, such as fear and addictions. This is why alcohol, addictive junk food, pornography, social media, video games, Ipads, mobile phones (what do you think the Apple logo represents?) etc., are promoted so heavily and are so easily accessible, as they keep us is in our pleasure senses or lower energy centres (chakras), being a powerful part of the addiction process that most of us are not even aware of so can't undo.

Medication, therapy, abstinence etc., may help, but if the underlying energetic agreement, contract, cord, curse, covenant, or spell is not severed, it is going to be pretty difficult to kick the habit, as the roots are still in place in the non-physical realm so it can keep sprouting into your physical reality.

By Sensei Craig Monie 1/11/24

Removal of ancestral generational curses and spells causing addiction
Removal of ancestral generational curses and spells causing addiction


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