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20. The Black Belt Oath (Part 3 of 3)
Master's Message children's class discussion topic of the week. Black Belt Oath (Paragraph 3 of 3) I further pledge, with humility and...

21. Peer Pressure
Master's Message children's class discussion topic of the week. What is Peer Pressure? Peer pressure is when a group of peers (such as...

22. Grading Forms & Job Check List
Master's Message children's class discussion topic of the week. Belt Testing, also known as a Grading, is held every three months. As...

23. Grading Procedure
Master's Message children's class discussion topic of the week. Belt Testing, also known as a Grading, is held every three months for...

24. "A" - The ABCs of Conflict Avoidance
Master's Message children's class discussion topic of the week. This week we will discuss letter A. ‘IN A REAL FIGHT – EVEN WHEN YOU WIN...

25. "B" - The ABCs of Conflict Avoidance
Master's Message children's class discussion topic of the week. This week we will discuss letter B. B Breathe deeply. Be calm. If...

26. "C" - The ABCs of Conflict Avoidance
Master's Message children's class discussion topic of the week. This week we will discuss letter C. C Communicate with Confidence. If you...

27. "D & E" - The ABCs of Conflict Avoidance
Master's Message children's class discussion topic of the week. This week we will discuss letter D & E. D Don’t put yourself in a worse...

32. Why martial artists say 'NO' to smoking, vaping, alcohol and drugs!
Master's Message children's class discussion topic of the week. “I intend to develop myself in a positive manner and avoid anything that...

33. Good Habits for a Happy Life!
Master's Message children's class discussion topic of the week. Who can tell me what a habit is? A habit is something you do regularly,...

35. Being Unique
Master's Message children's class discussion topic of the week. Being Unique: Why It's Important to Be Yourself Every person in the world...

36. How to Reduce Stress & Lower Emotions (Part 1 & 2)
Master's Message children's class discussion topic of the week. This topic is to be covered over two weeks to allow time to practice the...

37. Building Confidence (Part 1 & 2)
Master's Message children's class discussion topic of the week. Building Confidence This topic is to be covered over two weeks. Part 1:...

38. Benefits of Training in Cobra Martial Arts (Part 1)
Master's Message children's class discussion topic of the week. Training in Cobra Martial Arts offers benefits that extend beyond...

39. Benefits of Training in Cobra Martial Arts (Part 2)
Master's Message children's class discussion topic of the week. Here are two less known benefits of training at Cobra Martial Arts....

40. The Dangers of Ipad and Mobile Phone Addiction
Master's Message children's class discussion topic of the week. Spending excessive time on iPads and mobile phones can have several...

41. Rules of the Dojo
Master's Message children's class discussion topic of the week. Here are some of the rules of the dojo. A full list is on the back wall....

42. Gratitude
Master's Message children's class discussion topic of the week. Gratitude means noticing and appreciating what you have instead of...

43. Asking for Help
Asking for help

44. The Kiai
Master's Message children's class discussion topic of the week. In martial arts, the kiai, a loud, sharp, powerful shout, is much more...
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