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Compilation of Testimonies
The 'Winners' of Cobra Martial Arts Training. A compilation of parents and students personal experience from Cobra Martial Arts Training.

Review: By Benny Sullivan
My interpretation of martial arts involves three broad realms; the physical, the mental, and the social. These realms evoke self-improvement

Review: By Moya Longbottom
I never could have imagined, when I first walked through the door of Cobra in February 2005, just how important Martial Arts would become in

Review: By Scott Thackrah
The Martial arts came to me through many avenues throughout my life. Television, movies, books and culture referenced what was to me

Review: By Ryan Nicholls
Ultimately, martial arts to me are the discovery of that man.

Review: By Adam Lippitt
In November this year it will be 10 years since I walked through the door and even though it did not change my life over night

Review: Me By Angela Lefante
Martial Arts has taught me to become a better person and has given me the discipline and confidence to accomplish any goals

Review: By Melissa Marchini
Cobra Martial Arts has helped me with a lot, including coordination and motivation. Just recently I have been promoted in position

Review: By Bradley Murphy
During the 13 years I have been training at Cobra, what I see martial arts as, has changed a lot. When I first started I was 4 years old

35. Being Unique
Master's Message children's class discussion topic of the week. Being Unique: Why It's Important to Be Yourself Every person in the world...

36. How to Reduce Stress & Lower Emotions (Part 1 & 2)
Master's Message children's class discussion topic of the week. This topic is to be covered over two weeks to allow time to practice the...
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